Name: K.M
Age: 52
From: Houston, TX
Initial problem: Severe Hypertension , HYPER-prolactinemia, Severe Adrenal Fatigue
I was referred to Dr.Ingram May of 2016 by my certified Clinical Nutritionist due to a Blood pressure of 175/90 uncontrolled on two prescription medication s for 1 yr and a Prolactin level that exceeded 58mg/dl. My cholesterol level was 228 and triglycerides 198.
Following my non invasive Cardiac ANS scan , s detailed survey of renal and liver biliary labs, Dr.Alma identified a very low Cardiac Output of 2.93 liters per
min which my Cardiologist in Pennsylvania missed.
Within 48 hrs , my BP was at a stable 132/84 by her detailed explain of the benefits of 500 mg of Ubiquinol twice daily for 1 week, her formulated Cardiac Exxtreme which is delicious. I drank it three times per day to achieve a 124/78.
I am in the gym three times per week.Cardiac Extreme loaded with B.vitamins also improved 80% of my fatigue.
My prolactin level decreased to 35 after 90 days of just four 60 min infusions !!!
Four months after Cardiac Exxtreme, my cholesterol level drop to 174. 54 points and my triglycerides, have remained BELOW 70 for 3 years. Her reformulated version with D3 ,4,000 ius per scoop has stabilized my low D3 of 42 before Covid to a 64 mg/dl from Jan.2020 – April 8,2020.
In 2019, Her uniquely formulated Glutathione Exxtreme further reduced by Prolactin level to 24 preventing the need for exploratory surgery by am EENT which was suggested two years ago.
Both my 96 years old father and I are thrilled with her many integrity wellness services. We will be her clients for our LIFE TIME.
Thank you and Best wishes